Project: Contract Closeout Services

Customer: Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization, National Capital Region (DITCO/NCR)
Prime Contractor: Business Promotion Consultants, Inc. (BPC)
Subcontractor:  None

Project Description

The Challenge:  

DISA had a backlog of contracts to be closed out, in compliance with FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) requirements. DISA engaged BPC to:

  • Develop standard procedures for closeout of expired contracts
  • Reduce the backlog of expired contracts awaiting closeout
  • Provide training for DISA employees to continue the effort inhouse, following initial contractor efforts by BPC.

The Work:

BPC performed the following:

  • Assessed DISA’s contract administration organization and processes, as they related to the closeout of expired contracts
  • Analyzed governing regulations (such as FAR, DFARS, and internal DISA policy and procedures documents) regarding the processing of expired unclassified contract files
  • Developed procedures to efficiently closeout contracts in conformance with DISA guidelines, incorporating use of an automated system in the closeout procedures
  • Modeled the process for contract closeout including:
  • Manual simulation of the intended automated process
  • Development of an automated tool for management of, and reporting on, the status of closeout process activities and backlog
  • Testing of the process and automated system on a representative sample of each type of contract in the closeout backlog
  • Implemented the automated system and performed contract closeout activities to reduce the backlog
  • Conducted training for designated DISA contracting personnel
  • Handed over closeout operations to DISA after automated system acceptance and completion of closeout training for DISA staff

The Benefits:

BPC’s work resulted in the following:

  • BPC developed and documented Standard Operating Procedures for closeout activities at DISA in sufficient detail to permit transfer of closeout activities to DISA contract administration personnel
  • BPC reviewed and organized contract files on over 400 expired contracts
  • BPC completed the closeout of 20% of the five-year backlog of completed contracts waiting to be processed
  • BPC developed and implemented an automated closeout tracking system
  • BPC populated the automated system with all required data on contracts closed out and/or in process at the end of the performance period
  • BPC trained DISA personnel in closeout procedures and governing policy and regulations, as well as in the use of the automated tracking system
  • DISA continued implementation of BPC’s closeout procedures and automated system, in both their unclassified contracting organization and in their classified contracting organization